Abstract: Ski, snow and sun and two hot-heads, that’s all it needs to make the perfect holiday.
- Peaches: Young and dynamic, completely unaware of the coming events.
- Sid: His life’s philosophy: “Hakuna matata! Go for it, we’ll give a though later”.
- Saturday March 9th, Panic on board, nothing is ready, leaving Stockholm in 12 hours. Shopping, packing, unpacking, packing, panicking, packing again. Finally, heading north with the night train from Stockholm to Gällivare at 10PM.
- Sunday March 10th, heading west with the bus towards Kebnats, towards the Swedish fells. 5 km walk on frozen lake with heavy packing, to reach Saltoluokta fjällstationen.
- Monday March 11th, heading south to Sitosjaure fjällstugorna, skiing. 20km.
- Tuesday March 12th, heading south to Aktse fjällstugirna, skiing. 21km
- Wednesday March 13th, heading south-west to Pårte fjällstugorna, skiing. 25km
- Thursday March 14th, heading west to Kvikkjokk fjällstationen, skiing. 17km
- Friday March 15th, heading south home by bus & plane to Stockholm. From 5AM till 8PM, passing by Boden (O-ringen in July there) and Luleå (cold city, though making good hamburgers).
- Saturday March 16th, heading nowhere tired but happy, both characters happily rest.
Note: All similarity with existing characters would be completely unexpected.
All the trip in the following links: